In 2017 Janire Etxabe founded Dimegaz with the objective of making and spreading artistic performances in natural spaces across the Basque Country. They merge vertical dance and art with the memory and popular culture of the spaces where it takes place, taking nature as the basis of movement.

In 2020 she created the company Harrobi Dantza Bertikala in Dima (Biscay, the Basque Country) with the intention of spreading worldwide the works she performs in nature.

Apart from the artistic activity and with the objective of reaching different audiences through vertical dance and sensitizing them by means of Basque culture, in 2021 she launched the initiative Dingilizke. This project’s goal is to make vertical dance public and offer the opportunity to train oneself in this discipline.

At the same time, they keep making and researching various interventions in nature and representative urban spaces throughout the Basque Country.


  • Mutis espazioa, contemporary dance training (Leioa). 2024-2025
  • Selected for PANAMA AEREA International Aerial Dance. “Creating spaces” with Eliska Brtnickà & Eleonora Dall`Asta (Panama), 2024
  • Mascara neutra. “Silencio y acción”, Pablo Ibarluzea (Bilbao) 2023
  • LINCE Performing Arts, Parasite Kolektiboa. Sala Baratza. (Gasteiz) 2023
  • Master Class Magalie Lanriot y Lindsey Butcher (Museo de la Ciencia, Lisboa) 2023
  • Creative Lab with Magalie Lanriot and Roel Seeberg. (Lisbon Sports University) 2023
  • Master Class with Kate Lawrence, Wanda Moretti and Antoine Le Menestrel. Vertical Dance Center (Venecia) 2023
  • LAB Proyect Training. Physical theater with Mai Rojas. 2023
  • Dancing on the Big Wall. Magalie Lanriot (Lisbon University) 2022
  • Intensive course on aerial dance, centre technique. Juan Leiba (Leioa) 2022
  • Dance and physical adaptation. APDE (Madrid) 2022
  • Vertical and Aerial Dance Harness Creative Lab 2022 with Lyndsey Butcher, Lee Clayden, Magalie Lanriot from Gravity and Levity & Roel Seeberg from Bandaloop.
  • Professional teacher Training Vertical and Aerial Dance. Wanda Moretti (Venice) 2022
  • Performance and creation. Wanda Moretti (Venice) 2022
  • Performance Art School. Miguel Andrés 2020
  • Vertical Dance Lisbon Big Wall & Tapada Mafra Trees. Magalie Lanriot (Lisbon University) 2020
  • Intensive training on aerial dance with harness: Dani Tomás (2016), Juan Leiba (2017) and Ludovica Zoina (2018)
  • Andoni Aresti Dance School. Flamenco and Stylized Dance. Christina Lindergard and María Martín. (Leioa) (2012-2016)
  • Master’s degree in Systemic Teaching (2016)
  • Special Needs Education qualification (2011)
  • BA degree in Fine Arts (2003)


Currently she is working on her first documentary Haize Lerroak, it will be released in 2024.


  • Haize Lerroak (2024)
  • Iretargi (2022) together with Phelipe Eizaguirre and Yabril
  • Harria Herria (2019)


  • Atxine (2024)
  • Geure(R)a (2023)
  • Vertical aurresku (a ceremonial Basque dance)
  • Dendu (2022). Artistic co-direction with Harkaitz Martinez de San Vicente (Oreka TX) and production with TxalapArt prouctions.
  • Harria Herria (2021). Artistic co-direction with Harkaitz Martinez de San Vicente.


  • SITE SPECIFIC ALARAU with Nahia Zubeldia. Corticada Art Fest, Experimenta Paisagem. Portugal, 2024.
  • SITE SPECIFIC. ELKARRIZKETAK with Oreka TX. Chillida Leku. 2023
  • SITE SPECIFIC with HDB Cia. Itsas Museum. 2022-2023
  • SITE SPECIFIC. El Pobal together with Oreka TX. 2022
  • SITE SPECIFIC with HDB Cia. Aizpea furnaces. 2022
  • Space for nature Gallery, Kulunka, videoart piece and images of performance interventions in natural spaces. 2021



  • Finalist “Best street performance”. MAX Awards 2024
  • Nominated “Best stage design”. Max Awards 2024
  • Honourable Mention. Umore Azoka. 2023


  • Best musical short film. Everest International Mountain Film Festival. (West Bengal, 2024)

Harria Herria
Short-listed for Best street performance. MAX awards 2022.

Harria Herria (2019):

  • Special mention for the most impressive film at BBK Mendi Film
    (Bilbao, 2019)
  • Honourable mention. María Luisa Photo & Video Contest Memorial
    (Oviedo, 2020)
  • Best Experimental Short-Film. Dance & Music Festival
    (Toronto, Canada 2020)
  • Best Musical Short-Film. LA Sun Festival
    (Los Angeles, USA 2020)
  • Best Short-Film MONTAGNES TOUT-COURT Cervino Cine Mountain
    (Cervinia, Italy 2021)
  • Best Film. Les Icares du Cinema
    (St Hilaire, France 2021).


Dingilizke initiative since 2021

Vertical dance and suspended dance lessons in Gernika, Laudio, Bilbao, Durango and Gautegiz Arteaga (Biscay, the Basque Country).